To unlock a 3D version of the classic Green Hill stage (from Sonic the Hedgehog on Genesis), earn all 180 emblems. Eventually, it will grow into a tree that you can use to help improve your Chao stats. The Chao will take it, plant it, do a little dance and a little weed you appear. As soon as you have won these, take the seed out of the VMU and give it to one of your Chao. In order to plant these seeds, you need to first win the shovel and watering can in the beginner Chao races. These seeds can be taken to the Chao garden and produce rare fruits. If you play through the Chao Adventure 2, the VMU game, you will find seeds at the end of some of the quests. Look down in the grate and you can see Big fishing. When you're battling against Shadow with Sonic in the Green Forest area there is a grate.

Cannon's Core: With Rouge, go to the top of the highest pillar in the main room and look up.

Pumpkin Hill: Go to the area where the train is stuck (it's going back and forth) and he is behind one of the gates waving to you. Radical Highway: After going in one of the rockets look at the blimp to the left and he will be sitting on it. City Escape: About 3/4 of the way down when you're running away from the truck look on the right sidewalk to see him running away. There are several places in SA2 that you can see Big the Cat from Sonic Adventure. When you go to your Chao Garden, there will be 2 new eggs, and your Chao that was in the VMU will be on both VMUs note: this deletes all Chaos that are in the Garden when you do the trick, so make sure they aren't there a good place to put them would be in a third VMU. Take your VMU that has all of your SA2 data on it, and copy the main game file and Chao data to another VMU (the second VMU has to be COMPLETELY blank or this will not work).

This requires at least two VMUs, sometimes more - one of which must be completely devoid of any Sonic Adventure 2 data. You must achieve A ranks on all of the Eggman's Stage. Go and chat with her in the Casino as Sonic after you finish the Sky Chase.