To accomplish this, you must first create a dataset of wind direction and speed. You can use the Recommended Charts command from the Insert tab to generate a wind rose diagram in Excel. You may use any other version at your convenience. Not to mention, we have used the Microsoft 365 version. Here, we have taken a dataset of Wind Speed with their Direction for a specific span of time. But first, we need to insert the wind speed and cardinal directions in a specific location. There are two possible ways to make a wind rose in Excel. How to Make a Wind Rose in Excel: 2 Methods It also worked as a compass in past history, as it showed the cardinal direction as well. It also helps meteorologists to give a concise visual representation of how the wind speed and direction are scattered in a particular location. They also use the wind rose to navigate the ocean’s narrow path. The sailor used the wind rose diagram to find the routes while sailing over the ocean. With the wind data, you can create a wind rose. In order to calculate the percentage of time that the wind was blowing from each direction, the collected wind data is then sorted by wind direction or wind guidance. A wind rose is made by logging average wind direction and speed statistics at a location for a lengthy period of time, such as a week, month, or longer. The tried-and-true way of graphically displaying wind conditions, direction, and speed over time at a particular site is the wind rose. 3d ascii asciidoc barplot basketball blogpost boxplot brew bumpchart business cascade chart colorbrewer colorspace colour contourplot crayola data dataframes2xls density directlabels download.Related Articles What Is Wind Rose Diagram?.Mandar on Data Manipulation in R to Crea… Ggplot séparer la lé… on ggplot2: Two Or More Plots Sha…ĩ Useful R Data Visu… on ggplot2 Version of Figures in… S.Stender on ggplot2: Labelling Data Series… ggplot2: Plotting Dates, Hours and Minutes.

ggplot2: Changing the Default Order of Legend Labels and Stacking of Data.