Run the launcher, enable EAC if you want for your team to have it enabled, and 'Run and save with these settings.' You will have needed to adjust all the game settings upon creating the new game in order to enable MP mode of course.

When you confirm the map is good, close out game again. Start your new game with the new map and test it. Afterwards, you could create the new map for you guys to play on and close out the game. Create a test game just using Navesgane or another pre-gen map. Now for initial launch of the game.while in the launcher.disable EAC and Analytics then choose Run. Uninstall 7d2d, set beta's to the new Experimental, close out steam and delete all left behind files / folders for 7d2d, Restart system, launch steam, install the new beta, verify files, run the launcher tools to clean the old data again. You might consider changing your update preferences in steam library-game-manage-properties so that it can't 'automatically' update. But, people having problems with the EAC on Windows 11 is a known issue.something that is being adressed in the A20.5 b2 experimental build. Have you tried downloading the latest version of EAC from the internet and install it? In the past, that has sometimes fixed issues with EAC for various games.